God Answers Prayer

I King18:1-46, James 5:16b-18

Today's message is a continuation of two weeks ago.  Finally, after 3 1/2 years of no rain or dew Elijah returns to King Ahab.  He meets Ahab and proposes the challenge of who's God is real to take place on Mount Carmel.  As the well known story goes the prophets of Baal fail.  When Elijah prayed at the evening prayer the fire came down and consumed the offering and altar.  As recorded in James 5:16b-18 prayer can be powerful.  It later that day that God, faithful to Elijah, ended the 3 1/2 year drought.  The drought not only ended it was a heavy rain.

The conclusion is like that of two weeks ago.  God is in control.  Nothing takes God by surprise.  That was true not only then but now.  As James records, prayer is a powerful  resource that we have available today when used as God intents.


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