
Luke 9:28-36, John 12:20-33

As we prepared for communion today we were reminded of the struggle Jesus had knowing the death he was facing.  In Luke 9 we have Jesus in an altered state talking with Moses and Elijah who appeared in heavenly glory.  They were encouraging Jesus as he faced this difficult time.

Believers will spend an eternity in heaven.  Some will have died been buried and rise again at the second coming.  This is what Moses represented, one who had died was buried (God buried Moses Deuteronomy 34:5-6) and was now appearing in a glorified state.  Others in heaven will be those who were alive at the second coming and were caught up in the air to meet the Lord.  This is like Elijah in II Kings 2.  Interesting

In the John 12 portion of scripture for today we have Jesus explaining the necessity of death and telling of his own death.  Notice in verse 27 how to again expresses the struggle he was having; yet he knew that this was the very reason he came to earth.  Again a voice from spoke heaven to verify what was said and what was about to happen; his death and it purpose.  Jesus death burial and resurrection were about to happen.


Resurrection Day Is Fulcrum of World History

by:  Alex McFarland

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