Church and State

I Peter 2:11-17, Jeremiah 29:4-7, Psalm 14:1-10 & 20:6-9

We must never forget that we are strangers and pilgrims in this land.  Fundamental to being a Christian is to be separated from the world.  To be separated does not mean isolated.  We still live and function in society, seeking its welfare without loyalty to the world system.  This is the advice that Jeremiah gave to the exile.  See Jeremiah 29:7.  We are to be in this world but not of this world.

  • When church and state mix it is not good for the church.  God works within the system that He has permitted and is able to raise up and bring down those in leadership to achieve His ultimate purpose.  God is always in control.

  • Psalm 14 challenges us with who is in control and who do we trust and give our loyalty to.  The question is who do we really trust for our protection.  Who do we trust God to provide or the state.  Always remember to give credit to God for what good government often does.  To expect the state to do what only God can do is to idolize the state; and that would be idolatry.

  • So if you choose to vote you should be of the mind that says you are seeking the welfare of the land in which you live, recognizing that it is God who is at work and in control, not the state.  

  • To think more highly of the state, as those the state is in control, would be idolatry and for Christian that must not be.  If this is where you find yourself don't vote.

Do a personal heart check for idolatry


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