of the Gospel
of John - When were you last angry and why? What is the place of anger in a Christian's life? The account of Jesus cleansing the temple is told in all four gospels. He may have cleansed the temple on more then one occasion. Why was Jesus so passionate about the activity going on in the temple? A little background. The activity was taking place in the outer court yard of the temple. This was supposed to be a place where foreigners, non Jews, could come and worship. By replacing their area of worship with commercialism the Jewish leadership was eliminating the place for foreigners to come and worship God. The temple was to be a house of prayer, not a den of robbers. (Matthew 21:13) Therefore Jesus, God son, had every right to set things in order. Points to Ponder:
Jesus Responds: When confronted by the authorities as to why he drove out the cattle and upset the money-changers tables he responded to their request for sign. He said them destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up. They were thinking about the stone temple which took 46 years to build but he was referring to his body and the resurrection three days after his crucifixion. It wasn't long afterwards that he was crucified and three days later rose from the dead thus proving that he had the right to do what he did. Concluding Points Regarding Anger: