Salt and Light

Matthew 5:13-16, Colossians 4:5-6

This portion of Matthew 5 comes right after the beatitudes.  'Blessed are' expressions should motivate you to become or strive for; not necessarily that you have achieved.  Notice in verse 13 and 14 the words 'You' and 'Are'.  You refers to kingdom citizens. Are means active now, not maybe or sometime in the future.

Salt and Light are meant to be elements of impact - not stagnate or inactive.

  • Characteristics of salt

    • Salt has value.  We are to bring value to the culture.

    • Salt is a preserving agent.  We are to preserve the truth of the gospel as defined by the Bible or scripture.  In the Old Testament the covenant was a covenant of salt; meant to keep and preserve God's chosen people.  We should be careful not to be too much like salt (meaning over abundance) and loose our audience.

    • Salt is meant to enhance flavor.  See Colossians 4:5-6.  Do our lives make Jesus attractive to a world that desperately needs Him.

  • Characteristics of light

    • Light illuminates.  In John 1:5-7 we see that light can not be overpowered by darkness. The truth of Jesus will go forth.  It will not be invalidated .

    • Light reveals.  Sometimes it reveals good and sometimes it reveals evil.

    • Light is a guide.  We are to be the light of the world.  Matthew 5:14.  The light is to be a lamp to the world

In Conclusions:

  • Avoid sin and laziness.

  • Take the focus off self.  We are to glorify our Father in heaven.

  • Fear independence.  It does not produce salt and light.  Instead, be dependent on God.


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