89:1-29, Daniel
2:1-49, Matthew
Verse 1 of Daniel 2 tells us that Kings Nebuchadnezzar had a dream. Verses
2-11 the kings ask the magicians and other to explain the dream.
They stalled because they couldn't explain the dream without first knowing
the dream. Verse 12-16 the kings decreed that they should be put to
death but Daniel ask for time.
Interpretation of the Dream:
image was that of a man where the head, chest, thighs, and legs were
made of different materials.
The head
was made of gold. It represents King Nebuchadnezzar and his
chest was made of silver and represented the second kingdom that would
come after King Nebuchadnezzar's kingdom.
thighs were made of bronze. They represent the next kingdom where
each kingdom is inferior to the previous kingdom.
The feet
represent the forth kingdom. It's composition is of iron mixed
with some clay. It shall be a divided kingdom. It will be
partly strong and partly brittle.
All this
will be followed by a kingdom set up by the God of heaven. It
will destroy the previous kingdoms and this new kingdom shall
stand forever.
All of this reinforces that God is totally in control.
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