Grace Part 2

Philippians 3:7-14, Matthew 16:24-27, Luke 9:57-62

Grace is a relationship that must be on God's terms.  Perversions would see grace/faith as the opposite of works or confuse grace as a license to do what you want.  If you don't grasp the depth of your sin you look at grace as a convenience.  It is not something you negotiate.  Grace is available to anyone:  whosoever will may come.  We are told to love the Lord your god with all your heart and soul.

Three examples of grace:

  • The prodigal son - Observe that the father was looking for the son.  When he saw him coming there were no conditions but he ran to meet him.  The son recognized the depth of his sin and only wanted to be a servant.  Is this not an example of amazing grace.

  • The thief on cross - When he realized who Jesus was and recognized his own sin he said to Jesus, "remember me when you come into your kingdom." Jesus' response was "Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise."  Is this not an example of amazing grace.

  • The parable of the vineyard -  The worker who started at 5pm wasn't hiding to avoid work.  He didn't know that he would get a full day's pay.  Yet the master blessed him beyond his productivity.  Is this not an example of amazing grace.

All receive a call:

  • Notice that when Jesus called his disciples they immediately left what they were doing to follow Jesus.

  • In Luke 9:57-62 we see that some who expressed interest in following had other priorities.  The call requires forwarding looking.  One who looks back is not fit for the kingdom of God.  To be my disciple you must deny yourself.  Jesus must be first.

Amazing Underserved Grace



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